Creative Prague
O násO násKultura je investice

About Us

We are a city-based organization. Our mission is to conceptually develop culture and promote cultural and creative industries.

We know that culture is an investment!

Culture and the cultural and creative industries have long since fulfilled not only a social role. The benefits of culture can be observed in economic development, the promotion of the social environment, in the development of education. Cultural activities also have a positive impact on the physical and mental health of a person, promote creativity and innovation, improve interpersonal understanding. Culture is the driver of urban development and creates a better environment for us all to live.

We create space for the development of culture in the city.

Our work is based on four pillars:

  1. Data in Culture — Strategic Planning
  2. Cultural and creative sectors — CCS mapping
  3. Public Space — development of culture in Prague localities
  4. Networking and cooperation — developing partnerships at home and abroad

Our vision is a city where culture is accessible to everyone.

– Sustainability
– Accessibility and openness
– Piloting and knowledge
– Innovation
– Diversity

About Us

O nás
We are a city-founded organization and our mission is to conceptually develop culture and promote cultural and creative industries.

We believe that culture is an investment!

Culture and the cultural and creative industries have long since fulfilled not only a social role. The benefits of culture can be observed in economic development, the promotion of the social environment, in the development of education. Cultural activities also have a positive impact on the physical and mental health of a person, promote creativity and innovation, improve interpersonal understanding. Culture is the driver of urban development and creates a better environment for us all to live.

We create space for the development of culture in the city

Our work is based on four pillars:

  1. Data in Culture — Strategic Planning
  2. Cultural and creative sectors — KKO mapping
  3. Community projects — development of culture in Prague localities
  4. International partnership — cooperation with foreign experts

Our vision is a city where culture is accessible and accessible to all

We strive to ensure that everyone who wants to attend cultural events in Prague, but also all those who want to create and make a living from culture, have the opportunity. We are working on this goal together as a team.
- Přístupnost a otevřenost
- Pilotování a znalost
- Inovace
- Rozmanitost

We are a group of professionals who believe in the power and benefits of culture.

We are a diverse team of people with experience in various fields. We are united by a belief in cooperation and openness to different points of view. We continue to educate and learn from each other and from other people we meet in our work.

Kristýna Kočová


Kristýna has been leading Creative Prague since 2024. Previously she was in charge of the conceptual leadership of the Prague Cultural Forum. She is also active in the cultural and creative sectors agenda. Previously she worked at IPR Prague, where she was focusing on projects in public space.

Lenka Hluchá

cultural manager

Lenka has been active in Creative Prague since 2024, when she held the position of Head of Production at the Poznej Vltavu Festival. She is now cultural manager of the Prague Cultural Forum. Lenka draws on her experience in project management and marketing of cultural projects in the capital.

Hana Kacafírková


Hana provides communication for Creative Prague projects. She does the production and dramaturgy of cultural festivals in the public space.

Duyen Monika Vrtišková

project manager Evaluart and MAPK

Monika is involved in data projects MAPK and Evaluart. Previously, she was active in state right, contributory organization and cultural associations.

Adéla Koblížková

data analytics

In Creative Prague, Adéla is engaged in the preparation and analysis of data within projects mapping the cultural and creative sector in the capital. She gained experience in data analytics in a start-up analyzing satellite images, and in Czech ministries. Her relationship with culture also began to deepen thanks to her studies at a music gymnasium.

Lenka Fendrychová

methodology and analytics

Lenka is in charge of the cultural policy agenda for the City of Prague and participates in data-analytical and strategic projects of Creative Prague. She draws on her experience in academic, state, and private sectors.

Alexandra Forejtová Lipovská

coordination of the Prague Chairs & Tables project

Alexandra takes care of the Prague Chairs and Tables project. She previously served as a project manager in the non-profit sector and is the director of the film platform Free Cinema.

Katarzyna Kouba Sanojca

data in culture, HR

Katarzyna coordinates the MAPK2O project and is dedicated to taking care of the team and its development. She gained experience in the business sphere of cultural and creative sectors, where she led teams and projects.

Linda Krajčovič Synková

Strategy & Methodology

Linda is dedicated to strategic planning and participation in culture and community projects related to urban development. She participated in the creation of strategic plans in several Czech cities.

Tomáš Drahorád

culture in sites & community projects, technical production

Tomáš is in charge of projects developing public space, as well as technical production.

Jakub Bakule

cultural and creative industries

Jakub maps cultural and creative sectors and formulates a strategy for their development. His experience at the Ministry of Culture led him to analytical work in culture, where he contributed, among other things, to the cultural agenda of the National Renewal Plan.

Ondřej Horák

culture in sites & community projects

Ondřej is dedicated to the Prague Places project, which develops public space with culture and community life. He previously headed the GASK lecturer centre and worked in the lecturer department of the Rudolfinum Gallery.

Petr Peřinka

strategic leadership

Petr led Creative Prague from 2020 to 2024. He focuses on the development of cultural and creative industries. He gained experience at IPR Prague, where he led a team of strategists, or in training cultural planners in the Czechia and abroad. Now in Creative Prague, he does the strategic leadership of the organization.

Do you want to be part of our team?

Talk to Katarzyna at

We are a group of professionals who believe in the power and benefits of culture.

The content of our work is just as important as the way we do it. We support each other, we trust each other, and there is always room for humor and mistakes from which we learn together.

Petr Peřinka

strategic leadership

Petr led Creative Prague from 2020 to 2024. He focuses on the development of cultural and creative industries. He gained experience at IPR Prague, where he led a team of strategists, or in training cultural planners in the Czechia and abroad. Now in Creative Prague, he does the strategic leadership of the organization.

Kristýna Kočová


Kristýna has been leading Creative Prague since 2024. Previously she was in charge of the conceptual leadership of the Prague Cultural Forum. She is also active in the cultural and creative sectors agenda. Previously she worked at IPR Prague, where she was focusing on projects in public space.

Ondřej Horák

culture in sites & community projects

Ondřej is dedicated to the Prague Places project, which develops public space with culture and community life. He previously headed the GASK lecturer centre and worked in the lecturer department of the Rudolfinum Gallery.

Jakub Bakule

cultural and creative industries

Jakub maps cultural and creative sectors and formulates a strategy for their development. His experience at the Ministry of Culture led him to analytical work in culture, where he contributed, among other things, to the cultural agenda of the National Renewal Plan.

Tomáš Drahorád

culture in sites & community projects, technical production

Tomáš is in charge of projects developing public space, as well as technical production.

Linda Krajčovič Synková

Strategy & Methodology

Linda is dedicated to strategic planning and participation in culture and community projects related to urban development. She participated in the creation of strategic plans in several Czech cities.

Katarzyna Kouba Sanojca

data in culture, HR

Katarzyna coordinates the MAPK2O project and is dedicated to taking care of the team and its development. She gained experience in the business sphere of cultural and creative sectors, where she led teams and projects.

Alexandra Forejtová Lipovská

coordination of the Prague Chairs & Tables project

Alexandra takes care of the Prague Chairs and Tables project. She previously served as a project manager in the non-profit sector and is the director of the film platform Free Cinema.

Lenka Fendrychová

methodology and analytics

Lenka is in charge of the cultural policy agenda for the City of Prague and participates in data-analytical and strategic projects of Creative Prague. She draws on her experience in academic, state, and private sectors.

Adéla Koblížková

data analytics

In Creative Prague, Adéla is engaged in the preparation and analysis of data within projects mapping the cultural and creative sector in the capital. She gained experience in data analytics in a start-up analyzing satellite images, and in Czech ministries. Her relationship with culture also began to deepen thanks to her studies at a music gymnasium.

Duyen Monika Vrtišková

project manager Evaluart and MAPK

Monika is involved in data projects MAPK and Evaluart. Previously, she was active in state right, contributory organization and cultural associations.

Hana Kacafírková


Hana provides communication for Creative Prague projects. She does the production and dramaturgy of cultural festivals in the public space.

Lenka Hluchá

cultural manager

Lenka has been active in Creative Prague since 2024, when she held the position of Head of Production at the Poznej Vltavu Festival. She is now cultural manager of the Prague Cultural Forum. Lenka draws on her experience in project management and marketing of cultural projects in the capital.